OVEN SALMON!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok i dam bored now so i just type out the recipe
Pics not provided but maybe will update soon?
1 small stalk of parsley ( google it if u duno )
1 big chilli
1 small chilli ( for spiciness )
1 garlic
1 teaspoon of thyme ( its a spice, can buy it in this small bottle )
1 piece of salmon ( not the whole fish lol, u can try other fish if u like )
2 tablespoon of olive oil
1 teaspoon of sugar
1 lemon
Ok steps
1.Sauce, finely chop up the parsley, both chillies and ur garlic
2. Put 2 tablespoon of olive oil into the chop up stuff
3. Put 1 teaspoon of sugar into the mixture
4. Put 1 teaspoon of thyme into it too
5. Squeeze some lemon juice into it, dun put too much or it will
dominate the taste
( if u wan more lemony smell, get some lemon zest, which is just
gratting the skin dun grate until the white part though, its bitter )
6. Taste the sauce, this part very important cos if u dun, u regret it when u eat LOL
7. Now to handle the salmon, feel around ur salmon for any bones,
u shld feel it like a needle sticking out, u wont bleed dun worry.
Use a pincer to pull it out
8. Cut the salmon into appropiate pieces and feel for any bones again
9. Smear the sauce on both sides of the salmon
10. Place ur salmon on a metal tray with aluminium foil on it and
pour the rest of the sauce ontop
11. Place this into the oven for like 3 mins? The small oven will do, dun nid to
activate ur gigantic oven ( May take longer cos my oven maybe diff from urs
jus make sure the salmon is cooked unless u wan sashimi )
Tadaa ur done, enjoy lor. Got any question i will try to ans. =)
"原来 你没想像中那么爱我,
你的存在 让我更寂寞"
石欣卉 <<你没想像中爱我>>